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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Nov 10, 2009 16:34
Comments: 611
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Don't Forget the Yen

Much ado about USD rebounds during falling markets, but JPY strength still outperforms USD.
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15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 16:45
Hopefully 91.00 holds ...
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15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 15:49
Hopefully 91.10 holds
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15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 15:37
A_V_G: Being Finance Minister Kan is on record of supporting a weaker yen to the 95.00 level, my guess is there could be a yen selling session come asia.
Singapore, Singapore
Posts: 38
15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 15:34
Thks Ashraf....
Due negative US data, USD/JPY has fallen to 91.12.... Now it is at 91.32, do think it is a good point to go long again with a take profit of 100 pips.... Any suggestion how will Yen react tom during the Asia session....
Please share ur thoughts...

Thks again,
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 3:57
AVG, Yes, if you do get 91.40 that is because now its already at 92.70

still bullish USDJPY onto 95


Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
15 years ago
Jan 14, 2010 3:56
Xaron, yes the 4% yield resistance looks like a pseudo double top.

Consider the Exch Traded Fund "TBF which goes up as yields go up.

I have one on 30 year from profunds but this ones seems more flexible.

Singapore, Singapore
Posts: 38
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 14:14
Hi Ashraf,

Buy looking at USD/JPY, is it a good time to go long at 91.40 and close it at 92.40.... What do u suggest....

Thks again....

AVG :)
Munich, Germany
Posts: 528
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 7:40
It's only a matter of time when the US treasuries bubble pop up. And it will pop. If it pops you won't want any long Dollar positions. ;) But ok, might take some time till that happens...
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 7:40
bammm - BLAST OFF. iNCRDDIBLY, GDP RIPS UP ANOTHER 20 PIPS, WHILE THE eur DIVES BELOW 1.45. You got it. 12 more pips lopped of Eur/gbp.

Apparantly GDP/usd has cured cancer and solved all theworlds economic probles.

Pair now butting up right against the 1.6235/40 cap resistance Ashraf mentioned.

Eur/gbp now down to .8930. Gee, ya think someone knows what the economic data coming out of the UK later is? Ya think it will be positive for Gdp?
Posted Anonymously
15 years ago
Jan 13, 2010 7:35
Pipe down PipedOff :-).

Eur/usd up 220 pips since U.S. NFP report just last Friday. Gbp/Usd (the short term darling of the market) is up 270 pips. Once the UK data clears, these two pretenders will keel over in exhaustion.

Don't miss the fall. Good trading...