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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 901
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Discuss CHF
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
13 years ago
Feb 5, 2011 13:23
thanks gun
i found before i search this articles some forgotten point on metablism changes and ARN structures in human genome
two dimensional protoeimic something like that.

Angle Terre.
London, UK
Posts: 1184
13 years ago
Feb 5, 2011 4:28
@Said I was bored and was interested in what u posted so here is the Angleterre translation

Richard Serra: Paper Works
Museum Palatinate Gallery Kaiserslautern
Drawings were two-dimensional sculptures, said Richard Serra, the Genieten worldwide, is a sculptor reputation. As in the sculpture he is on paper and tradition of experience of the medium used in question. Also refuse to on paper (and screen) crafted works of narrative functions. Instead, they are experienced as autonomous, psycho-physical elements of reality. WHILE we are used to seeing a design element as drawn on a clearly defined reason, confronted us with black Flchen Serra, in which the line appears only as a contour. It defines a clear boundary to the Wei of the paper. The material Itten agony of the material to stress Flchen structured as a form. Hufig these are black and most difficult hardly berschaubar. Although they start from basic geometric structures that disturb our focus Flchen geringfgige by deviations from the right angle, unusual arrangements or the dialogue of two nearly identical forms, which differ minimally. Attention is due to the entire area. The unusual influence of mass and weight LSST us the work and its terms are beyond the experience itself berkommenen coordinates of drawing and graphics: immediate, emotional and krperlich.
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
13 years ago
Feb 4, 2011 22:50
on emergency injection.
" u are ske". avis
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
13 years ago
Feb 4, 2011 22:48
catnip can utranslate me that over the weekend thanks.

Richard Serra: Paperworks
Museum Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern
Zeichnungen seien zweidimensionale Skulpturen, behauptet Richard Serra, der weltweit vor allem als Plastiker hohes Ansehen geniet. Wie in der Skulptur stellt er auf dem Papier Tradition und Erfahrungshorizont des verwendeten Mediums in Frage. Auch seine auf Papier (und Leinwand) gearbeiteten Werke verweigern narrative Funktionen. Stattdessen werden sie als autonome, psychophysische Elemente der Wirklichkeit erlebbar. Whrend wir gewohnt sind, ein Motiv als gezeichnetes Element auf einem klar definierten Grund zu sehen, konfrontiert Serra uns mit schwarzen Flchen, in denen die Linie lediglich als Kontur erscheint. Er definiert eine klare Grenze zum Wei des Papiers. Die stofflichen Qualitten des jeweiligen Materials werden betont, Flchen als Form strukturiert. Hufig sind diese schwarz und meist schwer kaum berschaubar. Obwohl sie von geometrischen Grundstrukturen ausgehen, irritieren die Flchen unsere Orientierung durch geringfgige Abweichungen vom rechten Winkel, ungewohnte Anordnungen oder den Dialog zweier nahezu gleicher Formen, die sich minimal unterscheiden. Die Aufmerksamkeit richtet sich als Folge auf den gesamten Raum. Der ungewohnte Einfluss von Masse und Gewicht lsst uns das Werk seine Bedingungen und uns selbst jenseits der berkommenen Koordinaten von Zeichnung und Graphik erleben: unmittelbar, emotional und krperlich.
KL, Malaysia
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Feb 2, 2011 4:32
I have got short on GC and EC for now although EU seems not moving short any time near.....CHF seems to be alternate to safe heavens and no intervention from SNB, anyone buying CHF around???
Boli Mekura
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 15:53
damn, the members of the conspiracy squad knew that you were long and targeted your stops. these bastards are awful. I bet they are affiliated to PPT.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 15:46
i am out of USDCHF long with trailing stop jan 14 with 0 pips
Singapore, Singapore
Posts: 179
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 15:27
catnip, what level you t/p for your USDCHF long?
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 13:37
yes pollock
Sydney, Australia
Posts: 348
13 years ago
Jan 31, 2011 13:07
anyone long swissy atm?