Intraday Market Thoughts

Latest Note on PSI & Upcoming TV Slots

by Ashraf Laidi
Mar 8, 2012 18:51

According to Greek websites, the latest on PSI take-up currently stands between 77% and 79%, with rumors of a take-up as high as 90%. The deadline for Greek bondholders to accept the PSI offer on Greek law bonds is Thursday 20:00 GMT. Results are due on Friday at 06:00GMT. UPCOMING TV SLOTS: Ashraf will appear on CNBC ASIA on Thursday at 22:30 GMT, then on CNBC EUROPE/ASIA on Friday 6:20 GMT (20 mins after the PSI official announcement), followed by live on-floor interview with ALARABIYA at 10:15 GMT. For the rest on these cautionary notes and the likely surprises/red flags to watch out for in the next 24 hrs, see today's Premium note


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