Intraday Market Thoughts

Ashraf's Full-Day Seminar with Boris & Kathy

by Ashraf Laidi
Aug 20, 2012 4:35

For the first time ever, Ashraf will be joining forces with Kathy Lien & Boris Schlossberg to conduct a 1-time opportunity for a comprehensive 1-day trading seminar in October in FX, dissecting through the fundamentals & technicals in forex and Intermarket flows. SIX 1-HOUR LESSONS + a 1-DAY LIVE SEMINAR in London. PREMIUM BONUS + EARLY BIRD SPECIAL WILL SAVE YOU 325.00 off the sticker prices. Find out when, where and what, as well as how to save GBP 175.00 for the early bird special and obtain a FREE-3-month subscription to Ashraf's Premium Intermarket Insights. All the info is here:


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