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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
Forum Topic:
Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
Discuss Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
move bears risk it isn't enough more far wider rate steps must come.
I add now short on Eurostoxx. This index is bolstered by Euronext takeover but this bullish effect will not hold.
Also the steepening of yield curve points to some pullback in stocks and commodities.
Stocks are overvalued in terms of P/E and even more of P/Ee.
The banks rule the world, always have done and always will do, they have more power than the politicians. Why not start your people revolution by organising the burning down to the ground of Goldman Sachs main premises on Wall St. That will sureley get you the attention required to kick start your movement.
No good mouthing off here my friend. TAKE ACTION.