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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
Forum Topic:
Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
Discuss Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
Russia full of petrodollars. Dr. Ben hits evaporate Oligarchs button and poof Oligarchs bankrupt.
Russia FED ally.
China...well they are the FED's dedicated servants Dr. Ben hits...
The peoples must stand up against the FED allies. Useless game taking down FED.
you had a dream!.....that one day this nation will rise up...!
get real dude..
However it is to America we need to turn our attention not China (China's economy is minute in comparison). It is lax American monetary policy that has created inflation around the world and is causing endless suffering of the underclass. The only people benefiting from these policies are the corrupt few supporting the current bogus system.
The FED is the cause of all recent bubbles. Its demise is near bit it will take concerted action by the people to bring it down. It would not surprise me to see people start demonstrating outside of the FED soon and their numbers grow day by day to over one million.
at least
Americans will need to wake up and take decisive action against this mad man and his cohorts on Wall St before more deaths happen around the world.
of its possess , USD cash. There is capital, money, and cash. These are different.
Dr. Ben understands the difference. PBOC doesn't and ECB has no idea of any.
Dr.Ben clever man. PBOC needs a chinese calculator to do 1+1
ECB has no idea how to operate a calculator.