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Oil to Underperform Metals
Forex, oil, gold & equity implications of rebounding Gold/Oil Ratio.
I read something about ONS figures overstating UK high st sales over the last couple of years. This is clearly a negative for sterling.
I would like to know what is the impact of the expected inflation on the Usd ? . which currency do u prefer for long term ? . Do you think the oil will hit the highs of july 2008 ? .
Finally , your recomendation for the next week .
Pipples, Looking for trend line resistance at 1.20 mid next week.
Also, I scan here and your Twitter all the time - must say, fair play to you giving (lots of) time to help and advise. Kind of you.
the dollar has not benefited too greatly lately against sterling as you predected.
do u agree with some currency strategists that cable could fall below 1.35 if we fall in to a deep bear market with new lows assumung no signs of worsening economic data. Not sure if that could be a possible set of assumptions.....