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VIX, Oil, BRICS & Sterling's Sell-Appeal
BRICS equity indices fail at key fib retracements, VIX and oil near major trend lines and sterling's sell-appeal hasn't looked this good in a while.
the markets have been so optimistic about global recovery recently and stocks have barely moved higher in the recent months. downside risks in equties outweigh upside potential at current levels. what the markets are saying now is that they dont expect first part of 2010 to be any better than they have been last quarter. that is if you presume stocks to be foreward thinking by about a quarter or two. Plus, look at the financial stocks for a guide to financial sector confidence which seems to have declined and could be very dollar positive.
as again, todays dollar negative response was justs a knee jerk reaction against the dollar. expect a dollar rebound tomorrow. perfect opportunity to go long dollar.