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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8935
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Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)

Discuss Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
13 years ago
Mar 20, 2011 21:33
It is not so simple. Egypt's Mubarak set side USD 50 bln, inflation skyrocketing , high and rising unemployment , the younger seeing no future. Not so in Lybia. Gaddafi robbed also some USD 50 bln but unemplyoent is low, much lower than in Egypt, even lower than Spain. High standards of education and of medicare. No poverty. I assume the majority of Libya supports Gaddafi and that means a long war, with possible ground troops. And don't underestimate women. In terms of education, income Lybia has supported women in society more than any other Islamic state.
Ashraf Laidi
London, UK
Posts: 0
13 years ago
Mar 20, 2011 20:53
rim, As strange as it sounds that Admiral Mullen to say US is NOT aiming at Qaddafi's ouster, it is tactical and not to be taken literally. What he really meant to say is that we will allow the Libyans to remove him..with our helpd this way we will not be accused of colonialism. Basically, the same thing that happenned when Saddam's statue was removed.

Oil prices should hold firm as long as Qaddafi holds on to power. But I do not see him lasting.

There is NOWAY that Qaddafi will end up staying by promising to his people that he will be "fair", will hold elections and the West and Arab world will pull out and say "OK, we will give you a chance".

Too much damage has been done. His own govt and Ambassadors have left him. Even Saddam Hussein's Amnassadors and UN representatives stuck with him to the last breath. Not in the case of Qaddafi.

It is too late. His days are numbered. And the World WILL seek his ouster. Anything else is unimaginable.

New Pip
birmingham, UK
Posts: 84
13 years ago
Mar 20, 2011 9:52
Hi Ashraf

In current times - what is the correaltion with the US indices and Gold.
Is it correct that when the markets fall then Gold is seen a save haven. Can it be a case that markets fall and the price of gold will fall as well. What will cause Gold to make a pullback/correction

Thankyou very much for your time

Posts: 121
13 years ago
Mar 20, 2011 9:42
Dear Ashraf,

How you evaluate the situation if GaddaF remains at power on Monday , how will be affected the OIL prices ?

New Pip
birmingham, UK
Posts: 84
13 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 11:02
On the 1hr chart on Gold it looks like an inverted hammer, possible trend reversal.. I think
New Pip
birmingham, UK
Posts: 84
13 years ago
Mar 18, 2011 10:38
Gold looks a tempting short. Going in at 1415
London, UK
Posts: 1184
13 years ago
Mar 17, 2011 22:41
UN votes to pass no fly zone - 10 yes, 5 abstain, 0 vote no...CL surging higher...ther is more trouble in the air...
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
13 years ago
Mar 17, 2011 18:39
I knew that guy wouldn't go down without an almighty fight, remember him from old.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 1632
13 years ago
Mar 17, 2011 17:38
Lybia crisis comes back as Gaddhafi cleaned out the rebels threatens to fight back any attack
from outside, further may nationalize investments by ENI, Total and Repsol, will turn to China
Asia will tap Russian oligarchs for participation.
Makes sense to short ENI Total Repsol
manchester, UK
Posts: 1763
13 years ago
Mar 16, 2011 20:57
nice job, ashraf!