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by Ashraf Laidi
Posted: Feb 22, 2010 5:00
Comments: 8936
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Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)

Discuss Gold, Oil & Indices (Equity & Bond Indices)
mulhouse, France
Posts: 2822
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 22:53
cut the com daveO.
Tony G
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 22:50
Catnip, I'm a firm believer that politics and religion should be kept completely separate. Secularism is the way forward as already mentioned. The problem is the West will find it difficult to let nations find their true identities. Interference in the Middle East by the West has plagued progress for democracy for years.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 22:44
Little bit like Iran then with the majority population in rural areas "out of touch" with the "modern" world and thoroughly repressed.
Tony G
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 22:44
Dave, Thanks for your suggestions, I'll take a look. As for ideal economic models, I think the secular regime of former leader Kamal Attaturk of Turkey could be ideal for a number of countries in the Middle East, as long as the West does not interfere in their affairs (unlikely...). Africa has been rapped and pillaged for years by Western countries and is still much influenced by the West (Colonisation not in name but action). Russia and China are autocratic regimes but sadly still supported by the West.
Frankfurt, Germany
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 22:32
humanity and the value of money are incompatible domains.
If peoples of egypt should indeed gain power then necessarily a muslim party will have majority, because the majority of Egypt's population is rural and are Muslims.
Most possibly not fundamental Islamist, however, any peace treaty with Israel will either be re-negotiated or get frozen status or be cancelled.
Now think sharply... could it be it is just that what the FED wants to achieve?
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 22:26
Tony, I do believe that nations very gradually move forward with human rights issues etc but a 100 years is a very small timeframe on this subject. China also have immense issues as do Russia. Africa have enormous problems. The planet is running out of time fast now, I give it 50 years at most unless something dramatic changes. The current world leader superpower needs to mature and start leading by example. They are still akin to teenagers having a ball and being thoroughly irresponsible. As I have said whenever I critique america my own country also has much blame.

Please do some research on Dr Craig Venter of the J.Craig Venter Institute and Ray Kurzweil. The work these guys have been doing give us some hope for the future of mankind.
Tony G
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 22:13
DaveO, yes I think as far as Egypt is concerned we do definitely need transparent elections. The problem is that the US & Britain have an interest to keep the status quo. They talk about democracy but want a tyrannical ruler to be elected to cater for their "interests" in the region. Their whole agenda smacks of hypocracy and ineptitude. Just look at Obama's speech today. The guy is a total jerk and has been sitting on the fence all this time until the climax of peoples' jubilations today. The biggest prize for revolutionaries is the corrupt Saudi regime where income disparities are enormous. The Saudis were a tribe of marauding butchers who were put in power post WW1 by the British and have never received any reprisals from the West for their decadent regime and brutality to women and the underclass. Once people in Saudi Arabia start to rise up you will all see the true horror of this regime which will make Mobarak look like a saint.

In conclusion the West should not preach to the Middle East their self-interests have always been to support corrupt poppet regimes and subjugate local populations for economic self-interests. The West is full of double standards and false promises and should not be trusted.
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 22:02
very good tony
wish you all best for your search of harmony in humanity.

a humble guy.
Tony G
Posted Anonymously
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 21:54
My interests are in humanity in general. Where a person comes from and from what background is irrelevant. As the American empire rules the world through the FED, they're under the spot light.
N.Cornwall, UK
Posts: 5733
14 years ago
Feb 11, 2011 21:53
I agree with you, when will it all end. I regret the answer is it will not end. Bernanke was thrown into the deep end following years of Greenspan's sins. He hardly had a chance to get his breath, what was a dishonest banker to do ? ! Its a little like if you once start lieing you have to create bigger and bigger lies.

People Power is a wonderful sight to behold and I think the sheer power of the www social networking revolution is starting to take effect and make life a lot tougher for politicians. However, revolutions seldom end with a happy outcome. Let us hope that in Egypt the army will not simply take control for the long term. They need honest open and fair elections. They need some good leaders to come forward in a matter of weeks rather than months. Its all very precarious once the initial jubilation is over.